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Vulnerable and indigent women in Alimosho Local Government Area and Ifako-Ijaiye LCDA, have been enjoined to embrace good nutrition by the Lagos State Ministry of Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation (WAPA) to ensure wholesome health status, especially during their menstrual cycles, pregnancy and childbirth.

Speaking during a forum organised for the indigents and vulnerable in the two communities held at the Skills Acquisition Centre, Egbeda, the Permanent Secretary of WAPA, Mrs. Oluyemi Kalesanwo, advocated balanced Diets using Local Staple foods in rebuilding blood supplies to all organs of the female body.


She said, “You are what you eat and there is a need to consume nourishing foods using Local Food stuffs. This will particularly enable enough blood supplies, which could often be hampered during monthly menstrual flow and childbirth”.

Mrs. Kalesanwo, who was represented at the event by the Director of Women Affairs, Mrs. Olufunke Shyllon, informed that good health was paramount for longevity, as most diseases could be avoided through the quality of foods consumed.

She reiterated that foods in standardised balanced forms are medicines, thus, they should not be overcooked to retain their vitamins.

In her address, the Grievance and Redress Mechanism Manager from the Lagos State Social Protection Coordinating Department under the Ministry of Economic Planning and Budgeting (MEPB), Mrs. Fajemibola Ayodele stated that participants at the programme were mined from the social register of Lagos State for Social Inclusion on Government initiatives.

While urging for cooperation to ensure a seamless approach, she disclosed that WAPA was teaming up with MEPB, to fully support the financial status of Lagos Populace under the T.H.E.M.E.S. Plus agenda geared towards ensuring that Lagos residents enjoy the dividends of democracy.

The Health Instructor/Facilitator at the event, Mrs. Afeniforo Tinuola recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables to enhance vitamin supplement into the body.

The highlight of the occasion was the distribution of staple foodstuffs to all participants at the programme

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