The viral video about some United States of America (US) state actors professing their government’s commitment to free, fair, and credible 2023 elections in Nigeria again underscores the US pretentious about her international relations.
The US/UK/West claim to cherish democracy so much, yet their best, closest allies – United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Brunei, and Kuwait, don’t practice democracy. They are more like monarchical oligarchies.

All US/UK/West want in relations with other countries is their economic well-being, it doesn’t matter whether the other country is democratic or not. So the video declaration of being concerned about enduring democracy in Nigeria is only being hypocritical.
What concerns US/West in Nigeria’s internal democratic process? Do we intervene/interfere in their election matters? Must we Africans and Nigerians continue to play second class to the West?
We should not be excited that the US is telling us how to conduct and vote in our own democratic elections. Yes, we need good governance in Africa, but it is not the US/West that will instruct us on what to do.
We don’t interfere in their domestic matters. We need to put our house in order. Our elites are unnecessarily happy that the US has spoken on Nigeria elections and so they keep spreading the video.
On 25th February 2023, we shall elect a new president. We must get it right. In Delta, we must vote out PDP for a new Delta. Delta state requires a new leader that is not imposed on us by godfathers.
It is our responsibility to fix Nigeria and not the responsibility of the West. Those who go with the slogan that the world is watching us are demonstrating signs of failure. Do they care about Africa and Nigeria than giving us handouts as loans and collecting them back with huge interest?
Do Nigeria and Africa want to live on handouts from the West? We need to grow out of neo-colonialization and stand on our feet as a country and continent. Nigerians seeking election going to Chatham House for endorsement are merely wasting their time.
The excitement on the US video is unnecessary about the elections. The West is a parasite and feeds on Nigeria and Africa. Africa and Nigeria must grow up and do things themselves without depending on the West
Does Africa need her homegrown democracy? The West does not mean well for Nigeria and the rest of Africa. It’s sheer pretense they’re exhibiting in the US viral video on another election in Nigeria. Never have you depended on the West to fix Nigeria and Africa.
Nigerians have a lot of everything. There is nothing they have said that is new. Whether they look at us or they don’t look, we must fix our Nigeria and Africa.