...pure romance, & very intriguingĀ
…Continued..Until we get to a filling station, he got down saying, “lady get down, stretch your legs now” so I stubbornly stood in the car, Phil just came and drag my hands saying, “common! “your legs will ache” so as I came down with my short gown, he starred at me up to down with that lustful look in his eyes, shaked his head then went back to pay for the fuel.

After which we continued the journey, yet he didn’t say a word as we drove all night to the hotel. Phil is very disciplined, bold and a good listener though proud with this charming attitude and with his sweet voice, he will surely pin you down as a lady but I still want to dig his weakness and interest as we proceed.
Phil actually likes it when a lady challenges him and that’s exactly what am pushing forth but not expecting any appreciation from him or anybody as I am my own lady and boss, certainly not interested in what others want.
Hey Pretty, “You actually like journeying with a man as u seems so cold, been keeping to yourself all the time”, so I smiled. Phil hurriedly slowed down the car and rushed a very kiss hot on my lips and I was like oh my God! “What was that for” and he replied, “for agreeing to travel on the quest with him in the car”.
Infact, there was actually a kinda request at the beginning from both men but I turned down that of Jack because maybe I feel safer or sweeter with Phil but Jack wanter me badly because I can’t forget his advances before this quest but Jenny was eager roll with Jack so I dropped Jack as I have no strength for flirting and quarreling with Jenny.
I didn’t stop Jack because am weak so don’t think dirty, free your mind. I only want my man for myself alone, “very selfish coming to dating though jealousy isn’t my style at all so I rather stick to Phil who is more romantic, confidential, sweet, charming and very professional in all his ways, I think I cherish his kinda mam who will take it slow and steady, sweetest of all men, I bet you!
We just approaching the hotel, indeed very close and the car broke down so we needed to call a towing van to help us get to the hotel while we look for the mechanic to do his job well. We decided to enter Jack’s car who speedily drove to the hotel as Jenny keep arousing Jack with her fingers strolling all over his body with his fingers rubbing his bulging trousers as the JT keeps blinking up and down, you could imagine how Phil and I, Sara feels watching such a live romantic movie dropping straight on our faces without a movie ticket, I bet you, we were burning up deep in our veins and our body singing this kinda lalaby song.
I decided to throw my face off it looking outside and Phil grabbed my hands saying, “Baby, your body is so warm and soft oh mine!” He pull me to himself saying again, “You don’t need to look away instead look at my eyes, don’t be shy, I am enjoying this ride what of you!”
I just closed my eyes with him looking at me I just said, ‘I…..I am fine just feeling a little cold here, the car air condition is too high and Phil (smiling) saying, “the ac is off like 45 mins ago so don’t understand”, he just grabbed me again saying, “Pretty, feel free with me”, drew me closer to himself with his body so warm as well them kissed my lips very softly, with his hands on my bo…
..to be continued.