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Atiku’s Irreversible Blunders

By abiodun KOMOLAFE There is a Yoruba adage, which says that ‘ogbon odun yii, were emii ni.' (The wisdom of this year is foolishness in the course of time). Talking philosophically, when one relies on an older matrix to work in…

Democracy, Ideology and Loyalty

By abiodun KOMOLAFE Democracy is a political paradigm, albeit, with a specific ideological undertone; and the ideological tone refers to the attributes of democracy. Indeed, that distinguishes it from other ideological…

How To Win Elections In Nigeria!

By abiodun KOMOLAFE To start with, election candidacy ought not to be an impromptu decision. For inspiration, we may have to turn to the Western civilization for succour. After all, our social structures and institutions are…