Supreme Court Judgements Shielding Fmr. Governors from Corruption Trials Are Senseless – Zik Gbemre 

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On common sense, I fault the Supreme Court judgment which bars anti-corruption agencies from prosecuting former state governors.


If even after enjoying immunity when in office, state governors are still shielded from prosecution by anti-graft agencies on leaving office, who will then prosecute them for all the mindless looting they indulge in.?



Do you expect the politicians to prosecute themselves? The attorney general of any state is an appointee of the state governor and a politician.


The Supreme Court has rendered the anti-graft agencies useless and redundant by such questionable court orders. I don’t expect politicians to prosecute themselves. The purpose of setting up anti-graft agencies is consequently defeated.


By shielding indicted governors after the loss of immunity, from office, the Judiciary has tacitly given state governors license to loot their state treasuries with impunity since they can’t be prosecuted by anti-graft agencies. That is why they are growing worse in the looting, borrowing and sharing into their private vaults without justification.


The Judiciary is a national disgrace. We may have few tidy justices in Nigeria, but they are indeed few. The court judgments obstructing the prosecution of corrupt public officials are useless and anti-development.


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