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By Christian ABURIME


By Christian ABURIME


In further response to the relentless efforts by unscrupulous propagandists and closet mischief makers who seize every innocuous incident to denigrate the person of Mr Governor, Prof Chukwuma Charles Soludo, CFR, this is putting paid to their latest misadventure in shameless falsehood.


It would appear as if some arm-chair critics are either so hopelessly jobless or so steeped in irredeemable cynicism that they have turned cyber stalkers of Governor Soludo to smear him at every turn. Or could it be a case of pathological obsession of deranged minds in need of psychiatric attention?


If not, one wonders why a nondescript busybody who sat in his closet somewhere unknown watching TV transmission of yesterday’s presidential inauguration at Eagle Square, Abuja decided to conjure an imaginary ‘bouncing’ of an officially invited state governor!


So, what really happened? As it is well known, yesterday was the opening of a new chapter in the democratic history of our beloved country Nigeria when a new presidential administration was ushered into office.


Amid the ceremonies attending the swearing-in of President Bola Tinubu and his vice president being viewed on TV by millions of people, a minor harmless interaction between a protocols officer and Governor Soludo was what a faceless individual in closet decided to record and post on social media, childishly parroting “Dem don bounce Governor Soludo ooo…”. How ridiculous! The faceless video poster only saw on TV an interaction without hearing the conversation, yet rushed to a jaundiced conclusion and posted the recorded footage on social media.


The video in question quickly gained traction, fueling speculations and misrepresentation of what actually happened. Soludo was neither bounced nor disrespected, contrary to the impression created by the circulated video.


What occurred was just a simple protocols clarification by the gesticulating uniformed protocols officer, courteously redirecting the governor to his rightful wing of the VVIP seating section at the event. Where great and eminent Nigerians like Dangote, Tony Elumelu, Oni of Ife, Godwin Emefiele, Service Chiefs, Captains of Industry, Governor Hope Uzodimma, etc were already seated.


At normal official events, redirecting guests to their rightful seating positions is neither an issue nor a disrespectful act.


By the way, Governor Soludo remains one of the few state governors who were officially invited as VVIP guests (see attached the official invite addressed to him) to grace the presidential swearing-in ceremony. So, without any fuss, the governor dutifully observed the clarified protocols and went to join fellow dignitaries at his designated seating section.


To disabuse skeptical minds, his attendance was not only expected but was also an important demonstration of the potential collaborative efforts between the state and federal governments.


Our new president is someone who values talents and recognises the invaluable economic advisory inputs that a technocrat like Prof. Soludo can still offer Nigeria with his vast experience. Why then would the governor be bounced or disrespected? It never happened.

The governor was accorded all the respect and protocols that are befitting of his position beyond what was recorded in the isolated video incident.


By the way, it is regrettable that unhinged individuals would continue spreading needless and unfounded propaganda against Governor Soludo. What do they derive from creating a mountain out of a molehill, or fuelling embers of crisis where there is none? Is it just voyeuristic sadism? When reasonable minds even look at the big picture, they would see beyond the minor protocols incident and glean the governor’s attendance at the inauguration as a mature step forward in his commitment to serving the overall interests of Ndi Anambra through a beneficial partnership with the federal government despite different political party affiliations.


We understand that in the age of social media, misinformation can spread rapidly, causing harm to the reputation of public figures. However, it is crucial that we exercise caution and verify the authenticity of information before drawing conclusions or sharing it further.


The public is urged to always critically evaluate the sources or content of information they encounter online or offline, and consider the credibility of such claims before believing and sharing them.


It is our responsibility as engaged citizens to promote accurate and reliable information that fosters a healthy, informed public discourse and peace.

On a final note, petty closet critics are advised to desist from further mischievous hectoring of Governor Soludo and support him to move Anambra State forward.

However, his cynical stalkers who may choose to be recalcitrant should know that he remains focused on delivering good governance to his people. No amount of smear campaign over every minor incident would dent his patriotism, stain his reputation or derail his progressive steps.


His principled stand for truthful ideals would prevail in the face of misinformation and relentless propaganda.


And as the governor is grateful for the honour of invitation extended to him by President Bola Tinubu to grace the inauguration, it is his prayer that Nigeria as a whole will witness a true rebirth of hope and progress on this new dawn.

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