“Empowering Professionals: The Key to Unlocking Delta State’s True Potential”

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By Comrade Victor Ojei popularly called Wong Box. Feel free to call or text us via WhatsApp 08038785262




In recent times, the issue of youth empowerment and their involvement in governance has sparked intense debates across various spheres of society. As a socio-political activist, I, Comrade Victor Ojei, popularly known as Wong Box, firmly believe that if the Delta State Government genuinely desires to work for the benefit of its citizens and effectively uphold the principles of democracy, it must prioritize the appointment of professionals to key decision-making positions. In doing so, the political class should gracefully assume the role of passengers rather than drivers. By empowering professionals, we can bring about a much-needed transformation and accelerate progress in our beloved state.


Youth Potential: Breaking Stereotypes:

It is disheartening to witness the continuous underestimation of the capabilities of our youth. We often reduce them to mere nitwits, failing to recognize the immense talents, competences, and innovative capacities they possess. Throughout the world, young individuals are making substantial contributions and revolutionizing various fields. Delta State should not be an exception.


Appointing youths to positions such as Special Advisers should not be dismissed outright. If they possess the right capacities, competences, and pedigree, they can bring fresh perspectives, novel ideas, and boundless energy to the table. We should not judge individuals solely based on their age but rather on their ability to make a positive impact on governance and the overall development of our state.


The Shortcomings of the Old Guard:

On the other hand, the old guard, which has been dominating governance for an extended period, often falls short in delivering excellence and producing tangible results. These individuals have remained in power without showcasing anything remarkable or spectacular during their tenure. They engage in a politics of self-interest, viewing government resources as a means of personal enrichment, rather than utilizing them for the betterment of the people. Their prolonged presence has hindered progress and impeded the advancement of our society.


Lessons from the Past:

We must reflect on the past to glean valuable lessons for the present. In 1999, Delta State experienced a wave of fresh faces in governance, with most executive members (Commissioners) being in their 30s and 40s. These young leaders, new to governance at the time, proved to be the best and brightest that the state had ever seen. Notably, Chief Ighoyota Amori, who was just 47 years old, oversaw the establishment of three polytechnics and a college of education from scratch. Today, these institutions thrive magnificently, serving as a testament to the capabilities of the younger generation when given the opportunity to lead.


Unlocking the Potential of Present-day Youths:

We must not discount the potential of our present-day youths to perform brilliantly in governance. They are better prepared, well-educated, and equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute their sincere quotas to the development of our state. By dismissing their capabilities, we perpetuate a cycle of mediocrity, denying ourselves the benefits of their fresh perspectives, technological savvy, and creative problem-solving abilities.


Reforming the Appointment Process:

A paradigm shift is urgently needed in the way appointments are made. It is disheartening that individuals below the age of 50 are often limited to certain classes of appointments such as Executive Assistants, Senior Special Assistants, Special Assistants, and Personal Assistants. We must cease underestimating the potential of our youths and instead provide them with opportunities to assume key decision-making roles. By doing so, we can infuse Delta State with a breath of fresh air, propelling us forward progressively.



For Delta State to thrive and maximize the benefits of democracy, it is crucial to prioritize the appointment of professionals to critical positions of authority. Empowering the youth and entrusting them with responsibility will bring about innovative solutions and inject renewed vigor into governance. Let us not underrate the immense potential of our present-day youths; instead, let us embrace their capabilities, competences, and pedigree, paving the way for a prosperous and progressive future for Delta State.

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