BBTitans: Findout Who Among The Finalists  Takes The Crown

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It has been eleven weeks of grueling contest, drama and plenty of twists, both from the Housemates and the Big Brother himself, setting adrift a sort of Russian Roulette kind of life and death intrigues.


From 24 Housemates who started the journey, it has now come down to six finalists. Interestingly, 3 Nigerians and 3 South Africans.



Come hell or high water, somebody is going to snatch the prize money of 100 thousand dollars from 5 others. That is how cruel the reality TV show is, it is a winner takes all game. Yes, it is all a game with life-changing prospects at stake. It is not just about the money, it is more of a career-defining, life-changing reality that comes with winning the Big Brother franchise, in any form it presents itself. It is about a new star being born albeit all the contestants are already on an easy street of fame and fortune.


Who the crown fits tonight?


Khosi, Ebubu, Kanaga Jnr, Ipeleng, Yvonne and Tsatsii are all at the precipice of destiny. The way things stand, the pendulum could swing any way as all Housemates are potential winners. While some have had a relatively easy ride, others have had it really bumpy and rough. As usual, Potpourri takes a look at their chances and the odds of their winning the show.


The song of “Khosi for the money” has been on a replay without ceasing on social media. She appears to be a strong favourite across Africa. The odds also appear to be in her favour. Moreso, Khosi has faced more eviction nights than any other Housemate in the Big Brother Titans House.


She has been nominated for eviction every week except the respite weeks, which are week one, week 6 and week 8. no other Housemates were up for eviction in those weeks.

She has been nominated 6 times, and each time, she has survived without being on the radar of any kind of threat. While many of her fellow Housemates had a close shave with the hammer of eviction, Khosi never even felt the heat.


If she doesn’t win tonight, the hand of destiny must have been laying in wait to deal her a blow to put to shame our expectations and permutations.


For Ebubu, Fate, they say, can be cruel, the same way it can be kind. For Ebubu, his journey through the Biggie’s fiery House has been smooth-sailing. For once, he was never nominated for eviction. Even when it appeared he was going to get it, some hand of providence always seemed to materialise out of nowhere to pull him out.


When he was paired with Tsatsii, they got their game so good they had no care in the world. And when the game got individualistic, Ipeleng’s veto power came to his aid and catapulted him into the finale without having to go through 3 weeks of eviction scare.


The support for him on social media has been impressive and it wouldn’t be so smart to rule him out of a Top 3 finish. He appears to be breathing down Khosi’s neck in the race for the prize. Isn’t rather mysterious the duo were a bit cozy with each other in the final week (Story for another day).


Khosi, Kanaga Jnr has been to hell of eviction many times, and each time he survived. He has been nominated for eviction 5 times. When Miracle OP, Nana and Blue Aiva were shown the door of eviction, Kanaga Jnr came close to exit from the game as he had the 4th lowest score.


The following week, when he was up for eviction again, he was nowhere in sight as he appeared to have gathered steam and much wind to his sails.


The result of his resurgence has earned him a place in the final. He is another Nigerian hope of first-third finish after Ebubu.


Ipeleng (South African) was seen as the luckiest Housemate in this edition of the Big Brother franchise. She and Blaqboi navigated the pairing voyage without much turbulence. And the moment they parted ways, good fortune smiled upon her as she won the Ultimate Veto Power that lifted her into the finale. That was three weeks of freedom from the throes of eviction. Her own finale arrived on Week 8.


Beyond winning the ultimate veto power in the 8th week, she was nominated only twice for eviction.


Yvonne is the last Nigerian Housemate standing in the House. Not very much was riding on her until she kept surviving eviction after eviction. She has also faced eviction 5 times and survived. Brushing her aside may not be a very wise thing to do.



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