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It is common knowledge that no country is an Island of its own.


The question is, will US allow Russia to build a military base in Mexico or Canada? Of course the answer is NO.



Why should US think Russia will allow Ukraine to join NATO? The problem is US. Whatever US does is right and whatever it doesn’t see good should be done away with. US is just creating conflicts here and there.


US invaded Iraq, Lybia and killed their leaders for no genuine reason and US was not sanctioned for misleading the West for that. Vladimir Putin is a great leader of his people in my opinion. US only creates conflict in other countries to divide other and disintegrate them.


I have repeatedly said only a foolish person that will deliberately set his house on fire and expects neighbours to extinguish the fire. Zelensky is being mislead by US/West which I know he must be regretting in foolhardy.


The damage done to that country will be difficult to repair in few years. The entire West/US are fighting only one country and Russia is still stable irrespective of the West media propaganda.


I condemn the killing of innocent people but the truth remains that if genuine dialogue is adopted amongst the US/West, Ukraine and Russia, the conflict would have been avoided.


It appears some people have forgotten that some regions in Ukraine are purely Russians. The war is affecting the West/US more than Russia. As of today, the one pound shops in UK, you can’t see one pound items.


The entire West is facing energy crisis for their reckless thoughts of fighting a most avoidable war.


I align with the view by Dr Emmanuel Ojameruaye, a foreign policy expert when responding to The London Guardian’s publication written by Angus Roxburgh titled, FURTHER ARMING UKRAINE WILL ONLY DESTROY IT: THE WEST MUST ACT TO END THE WAR NOW.


Ojameruaye noted, “I concur with the writer. It is the military complex in the West that is goading Ukraine to continue the fight so as to sell their large inventory of unsold arms and make huge profits. While the share prices of most stocks have declined since the start of the war, the share prices of the weapon manufacturers have skyrocketed.


“Poor Ukrainians and the rest of the world are paying a hefty price for the war while the weapon manufacturers and war merchants are smiling to the banks at the expense of tax payers. If forgoing Donbas, Luhansk and Mariupol and/or forgoing NATO is the price to pay, Ukraine should agree in order to cut their losses.


“Independent opinion polls show that the majority of Russians like Putin. He would not have stayed in power this long if he was not liked by the majority of Russians. Forget about the blackmail and campaign of calumny against him. He is not a saint but no one can deny that he is a strong and well/informed leader.


“These same people who are emphasizing democracy (a euphemism for western neocolonialism) support “dictatorships” when their economic interests are at stake and they colonized other countries for many years, enslaved other people and some are still denying Blacks basic rights such as making it difficult for them to vote.


“China is not democratic but it’s rate of development in recent years surpasses that of all the so-called democratic countries. See what democracy has done to Nigeria. What people need are good leaders. Democracy does not always guarantee that good leaders will emerge.


“The western media has been very biased in favour of the Ukrainian leaders who should have foreseen the invasion and take necessary steps to avoid it, eg accepting Putin’s conditions (adherence to the Minsk agreement) and remain neutral like Finland which also has boundary with Russia. Trying to follow the examples of Poland, Hungary and other former members of the Eastern block was a fatal error in judgment.”


For Zelensky who is more of a comedian than a leader, he is further making blunders in a war they will never win.


John Mearsheimer, an American Political Scientist and International

Relations Scholar, a distinguished professor at the University of Chicago has warned the West/US against arming Ukraine in the Russia-Ukraine and stating the consequences of Russia-Ukraine conflict and described Ukraine as badly divided right from onset because of the two ethnic nationalities of Russians and Ukrainians in Ukraine.


John Mearsheimer blamed the West/US for the Russia-Ukraine war which could have been avoided. He also described the campaign for democracy by the US as a hoax. He stated clearly that US is only interested in its economic interests and not in democracy as they make people to believe.


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