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America is not in any moral position to tell anybody how corrupt they are… (Farrakhan)



The evident statistics are shocking and depressing, and they are evident themselves that such societies in the West do not qualify to be the role models or champions for the source of bringing peace to the world…


The developed nations are nothing but parasites, who live on the blood and sweat of their host (Africa/Nigeria)… They do not want us to succeed because if we succeed who are they going to exploit?…


I consider it necessary to bring to our remembrance again the famous Interview of Louis Farrakhan By Mike Wallace in the year 2000, in which Farrakhan lambasted and bluntly expressed the bad and ugly side of the West claiming everything about Nigeria and Africa is corrupt. I believe the said interview is still relevant today, hence I am discussing it again because it will help shape the minds of Nigerians/Africans on how the West see us, and how we should start seeing ourselves differently. Farrakhan’s opinion is as solid as the rock of Gibraltar as regards the realities of Nigeria and Africa.


In the said interview, Wallace, the interviewer, started by describing Nigeria as the most corrupt nation in Africa and could be the most corrupt nation in the world, as he asked Louis Farrakhan’s opinion. Mr Farrakhan objected to this claim as Mr. Wallace reiterated “it is the most corrupt nation that he has ever covered.”


Farrakhan then replied with this: “Fine. So what? 35years old. That’s what that nation is. Now here’s America, 226years old. Do you love democracy? But there in Africa, you were trying to force these people into a system of government that they just accepted 30 years ago. Black folks got the right to vote. You’re not in any moral position to tell anybody how corrupt they are. You should be quiet. And let those of us who know our people go there and help them get out of that condition. But America should keep her mouth shut wherever there’s a corrupt regime. As much hell as America has raised on the earth.


“No! I will not allow America or you Mr. Wallace to condemn them as the most corrupt nation on earth. When you have spilled the blood of human beings. Has Nigeria dropped an atomic bomb and killed people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Have they killed millions of native Americans? How dare you put yourself in that position as a moral judge. I think you should keep quiet. Because with that much blood on America’s hand, you have no right to speak. I will speak because I don’t have that blood on my hand. Yes, there’s corruption there. Yes, there’s mismanagement of resources. Yes, there is abuse. But there is abuse in every nation on earth, including this one (referring to America). So, let’s not play holy, to moralize them. let’s help them…”


Mr. Wallace tried defending his claim by saying that he is not moralizing – “I’m asking a question and I got an answer…” Farrakhan continued by emphasizing why would Wallace put Nigeria as the most corrupt regime in the world. That doesn’t make sense. Wallace then asked: can you think of one more corrupt? Farrakhan replied: “yeah. I’m living in one. I’m living in one. Yes! You’ve done a hell of a thing on this earth so you should not be the one to talk. You should be quiet when it comes to moral condemnation.”


The only thing I consider with Farrakhan’s response is his statement about “helping Nigeria and indeed Africa.” But has the West really helped us? Without sounding like a broken record, I have repeated it times without a number that no Asian or White person in Western developed nations will ‘deliver’ African countries, especially Nigeria, and bring her out from the shackles of underdevelopment and backwardness. African countries have remained the ‘fertile farm land’ for the Asians and the Whites to ‘plant’ and ‘harvest’ for their continuous growth but to the detriment of the African people.


If Nigeria/Africa gets to attain full development status to be reckoned with across the globe, who will the developed super-power nations like China, the UK, the US, France, etc., ‘exploit’ for their own continuous growth? As hard as this may sound, that is the bitter truth. Why did the slave trade era succeed? Amongst other factors, it is ‘primarily’ because these foreigners are parasites, they really do not have anything concrete in terms of natural endowment as we do here in Nigeria, and other parts of Africa. These developed nations are nothing but parasites, who live on the blood and sweat of other developing countries.


The truth is, the West, especially America and the UK, always paints itself as the Standard all other nations should follow and emulate. They do not even consider it wrong, or that they have erred if they invade other countries in Africa and impose their ways of life and governance on black Africa and Nigeria.


The Farrakhan interview reminds me of the picture painted clearly in a short video online that went viral some time ago, tagged: ‘Social Disease in the Western World.’ The speaker in the said video started by noting that: “Between the USA and the UK, considered to be the two most sophisticated advanced civilizations, there are 27 million persons addicted to drugs. There are 89 million people addicted to alcohol. There are 106 million persons addicted to cigarette smoking. 21 million those die every year from diseases related to their addiction to cigarette smoking. 24 million women prostitutes themselves ‘legally’ with licenses. 8 murders or homicides are committed every 19 minutes, 2 rapes are committed every seven minutes, and there are 3 robberies every 59 seconds.


“There are 257,000 children who are killed in the womb by license. 21 million children are born every year out of wedlock, who do not know their mothers and fathers. Or who do not know whom they’re fathered by. 2.8 million suicides every year of human beings who find no reason to live.


“275,000 persons are locked up in their prison industrial complexes. And today, prisons are built as industries. They are no longer built simply to house and reform criminals, they are built as industries, and major conglomerates to compete with one another for the contracts to build, and administrate these prison complexes because they have found that the labour from prisoners is just like the labour in South America, or India and other places. They can have people locked up for 20 years, 30 years, or for life, and have them work for 53 cents (6.8Naira) an hour. So, it makes sense to build prisons, and it makes sense to give people living in prisons.


“These statistics are shocking. They are depressing, and they are evident themselves that such societies do not qualify to be role models or champions for the source of bringing peace to the world. With these kinds of social problems inside of their own boundaries, their own Governments, and their own institutions, how can they bring peace to the world? It does not make sense!”


Valid arguments and statements of facts you would agree with, right? So, the next time we would want to compare African countries to these Western nations and strive to be like them, we should also take into consideration the fact that they cannot stand as role models for any society and its people. It is no news that most of the immorality and problems across the world today, especially in Nigeria, were adopted and learnt from the Western developed world and their suffocating influences.


Though, it is high time we get over the weaknesses and flaws in Nigeria and Africa and stop depending on the West and Asia to do everything for us. Especially in the area of begging for loans for Nigeria and African countries. It is time to stop begging them to write off Nigeria’s debts. The dependence on the West gives them the moral justification to look down on Nigerians and Africans, and also talk down on us. David Cameron once labelled Nigeria as a “fantastically corrupt country.” Making it look as if they do not have any iota of corruption in their system. But do we blame them for the name-calling, and the derogatory words they use on Nigerians and Africans?


Nigerians are the ones who made themselves a laughing stock to the West, hence every dick and harry in the West has little or no regard for Nigerians and Africans no matter their status. With all the atrocities committed by the west as said by Louis Farrakhan, they still brag about how great they are. Well, Nigerians and Africans should neither allow themselves to be classified as third-class peoples of the world by the West.


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