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The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) is long overdue for disbandment. It has long outstayed its usefulness. The scheme has become mere punishment for Corps members who face all sorts of risks to pass through the service.


The risk of lives of Corps members, particularly those posted to strange land, poor welfare at the camps, getting rejected at ‘Place of Primary Assignments (PPAs)’ and unemployment after the service is enough to scrap NYSC without further delay.



NYSC is now beneficial to those who feed fat on appropriating its funds. Corpers suffer untold hardship during service years, some having to stay in makeshift buildings and uncompleted houses.


Parents have to bankroll the expenses of their children doing youth service since what is paid is not enough to take care of their living expenses.


NYSC has become a burden to parents/guardians and Corpers during service period. Enough of suffering for Corpers. The pretence to retain NYSC must stop and it must be scrapped without delay.


The key purpose was to integrate Nigerians. The 21st Century is digital/internet era where the entire world has become a global village. With internet and social media one doesn’t need to travel far and wide before you get useful information and connections.


The NYSC has become outdated with information technology revolution. We hear of young people getting to know each other on social media. Video calls and video conferences with just a data of two hundred naira in one’s phone is enough to connect total strangers.


The era of NYSC has gone, gone and gone. Risking lives of corpers during service doesn’t worth it any longer. It is time to scrap NYSC. You can’t retain what is not relevant in this 21st century.


Distant learning and all of that have become easy with information technology revolution so why wasting unnecessary time and risking lives of young Nigerians all in the name of NYSC?


Please the Federal government must stop this outdated NYSC without delay.


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