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In spite of the obvious obstacles that confront women in the Nigerian political landscape and the peculiar position of women in Local Government administration, at the State and National politics, I am totally convinced that there is a thin line in the difference between success and failure. I have however gone far beyond the confines of this thought and become convinced that I, Beatrice Akpala, can truly make the desired difference in our body polity, particularly as our beloved Yala Local Government Area is concerned.


Coming out of Ukelle Nation with it’s peculiar circumstances to achieve tangible success is a herculean task, particularly for the female folk, but it is not insurmountable. The Ukelle Nation in Yala 11 State Constituency has been considered over the years as a minority area with tremendous challenges.



One of such critical challenges that has placed Ukelle in a disadvantaged position is the regrettably impassable road network and an unacceptable lack of productive opportunities.


Therefore, it behooves on me as a child who was born in such a difficult terrain and circumstances to be bold, willing, fearless and passionate enough to be imbued with great determination of making the visible difference in all ramifications.


I have been very committed and deliberate about the notion of achieving every assignment that I have ever been privileged to undertake with a passionate approach and a vision for excellence.


I can wholeheartedly tell you that I will be remarkably different as I will be a solution provider and a blessing to all humanity. On that score of being a solution architect, I will be committed to the delivery of quality service to the entire length and breadth of our beloved Yala Local Government Area and by extension Cross River State and Nigeria as a whole.


I have always believed in the advocacy for a better Nigeria and I have been a committed and strong voice in the realization of that dream of a new Cross River State and a better Yala Local Government Area. This is wholly possible if we are committed to rejigging the system by changing the ugly narratives in our political equation.


I pledge to seriously consolidate on the obvious gains of the previous and present administrations while embarking on new and more beneficial projects and programmes for the people. My niche will therefore be about continuity and consolidation. My candidacy will be a ticket for the people because I believe that in a truly democratic process, power ultimately resides with the people and that has been flawlessly demonstrated by the introduction of BVAS in our electoral system.


I am and will always remain a professional Advocate and my primary constituency has been the people and I can assure you that if you entrust me with the Mandate to serve the good people of Yala Local Government Area, I will leave no stone unturned to make Yala Nation great and prosperous by ploughing in my very best to give Yala the facelift it deserves. Remember, the key ingredient of my political philosophy is the welfare of the people and the unstoppable prosperity of Yala Nation.


Therefore, after a thorough self evaluation and deep spiritual insight, I hereby wish to wholeheartedly declare my innate intention of contesting for the most coveted seat of the


Chairman of Yala Local Government of Cross River State* in the forthcoming Local Government elections.


I do this with every amount of responsibility thrust on me by my own peculiar circumstances and my desire to serve our people in Yala Local Government Area.


It is a huge responsibility for which I am willing and ready to plunge into and by the special grace of God, this venture will not be in vain.


I must begin this mission by sincerely expressing my deep gratitude to His Excellency, Senator (Prof.) Ben Ayade, Executive Governor of Cross River State, for offering me a veritable platform upon which I have gained humongous exposure via a flurry of official activities and in the process, gained remarkable public image as I interact with the movers and shakers of Cross River State politics.


His Excellency, upon coming on board the ship of the State on May 29, 2015 appointed me Special Assistant on Electronic Media and upgraded me in his second tenure to the position of Senior Special Assistant on Communication and Advocacy. He did not only give me a platform to flourish but he has also given women a loud voice in the Cross River State political landscape. I cannot adequately thank him enough for these positions he extended to me and many other women and by so doing, extended the frontiers of women participation in politics.


I have in the light of the above, interfaced with the top players in Nigerian politics and gained tremendous knowledge of the inner workings of government.


I can therefore thumb my chest and say that I have come quite a long way to make this declaration today.


It must be noted too that no woman has ever made it as Chairman of Yala Local Government Area. We can begin to change the narrative now beginning with this ambition of mine. I can say at the very risk of sounding immodest that I am tested and trusted and can make a marked difference in our polity.


The male folk has no doubts, tried a lot but I feel that women should equally be encouraged at all levels to play their part in the scheme of things.


The 21st century leaves us with no option than to key into the many possibilities it offers us.


Yala Local Government Area cannot and should not be left behind as it needs a new sphere of life and I am ever ready to kick start that change we all yearn for. Coming from a relatively graded minority in Yala Local Government Area, I can equally make a mark if given the needed voice, support, encouragement and a higher platform to showcase my hidden but obviously great potentials as a female politician.


My dear good people of Yala Local Government Area, today begins that process of change and only you and you alone can make it happen. I count on your support and goodwill and together, our collective problems of growth will be effectively tackled in a more holistic manner.


I thank you all for supporting this dream as I look forward to turning it into concrete reality.


Thank you and God bless you all.




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