…very enticing, fascinating sexy!
….continued…All table was in twoos, cuddles and kisses with whispers of love enveloping the entire environment infact it was so amazing that Prince grabbed my hands to dance the song as it plays softly, holding each other while he whispered, “we can just enjoy this moment don’t worry about tomorrow, just like I said, am harmless instead sweet to reckon with my lady, search me out in your love dictionary if you have one, it will amaze you”.

The moment was so thrilling that I couldn’t let it slip away, and I said to myself, “at least for once let me flow the moment with no string attached, it won’t kill me or take away my dignity as a real lady instead put me in a better shape of health” so I let loose a little just to enjoy the moment with Prince after all he is not gonna force any act on me.
Prince, I believe is a complete gentleman, just seeking peace and love to keep body and soul together, with the feelings of love and peace.
Even the air was so fresh as it blows through, I was already catching cold as my dress was a flowery chiffon beautifully made for a princess like me, not lengthy that you could see my beautiful legs, the dress actually gave a revelation of my body curves that Prince had to keep his fingers rolling all over my body as if he was a tailor with this measuring tape in his mind and he keep whispering, “so soft body my lady, I wish I can have the real touch but sorry if I sound offensive” but I never mind his words because I was feeling the cold so much, hoping a warm hug will calm it all without asking.
So Prince held my body very close to himself with the smooching of his fingers all over I felt this warmth and just leaning my head on his chest with his hands wrapped around my hips, I felt so much better and then I began to have some feelings towards him though still pretending as if its nothing until the music ended so he whispered, “Angel, it time we call it a day I am up for a business meeting with someone in the morning so need to catch some rest or would you mind going with me”.
Pausing a while made him wink his eyes at me and I then said, “No I also have some stuffs to take care of so it’s better we call it a day, a moment to remember till some other time, I must confess I enjoyed your company, gracias”. So I rushed to my car while he came to steal a kiss saying, “will like to see more of you okay”, I smiled and watch him enter his car while both of us zoomed off at the same time.
And I keep pondering over the entire scenario at night, wondering if we gonna meet again maybe I could take a second thought of considering this gentleman at least as a friend for real until after a week then I heard my door bell rang with a parcel dropped at my doorstep, guess what’s in the parcel, will amaze you.
Inside my parcel was a white transperant nightgown, a gold necklace, a hand chain and another pack was having one sexy white lace pant, very sexy infact you could imagine the sense of art of the designer as on the pant was this word painted on it, “kiss me tonight” and I was wondering if the gift was actually for me until my door bell rang again and I received another parcel, this time was a white envelope with a red ribbon wrapped on it, inside was an invitation to a ball party and dinner party just for two.
So I wondered why the sender always forget to inscript a name representing him, pondering over the entire playout, I had my door bell rang again so I peeped through the window and saw a mail delivery man working towards my door with a big parcel and I had to receive it again, as i was trying to open it , my door bell rang again and I saw this tall man with a very nice look, putting on a white polo on a blue jeans well fitted on him, with his golf kit in his hands and a black mask on his eyes as he drew closer so I was surprised, demanding he pulls off the mask but as he spoke his voice sold him off as that was Prince, I couldn’t even recognise him anymore, handing over the bunch of colourful flowers to me while kneeling down so I grabbed him to get up then removed the mask so he rushed to hug me tightly with a very deep long lasting kiss, welcoming him as I never thought I will see him again.
I was thinking in my mind that he must be one of those casnova but I bet you Prince was a complete gentleman and I think we just fit together for each other having same birthday date, same likes and dislikes, I think am gradually desiring him as charming, sweet, and romantically handsome.
After the suprise moment, then I actually opened the envelope and saw the invitation with the content which indicate a dinner for two in my own house and that was funny so I laughed and told him, I would prefer we move the dinner to his house as I would like to know his aboard so he said, “Alright as you wish my Queen, get dressed let’s go to my aboard” so I hurriedly went to shower as he followed me to my bathroom watching me as I shower so I stylishly splashed water on him so as to scare him away but been the romantic person he simply jumped at it and rushed in with his clothes then grab me with a kiss he hold on tight to my wet body and he doesn’t even bother instead he keep saying, ” I love it so long as its you”.
After I dressed we left to to his house, but on our way we decided to pick up some few bottles of wine from a super market along the street then proceeded to his house and getting very close to his door step, was this aroma coming out of his house which made me feel there must be a lady somewhere in the house but to my greatest surprise, my instinct failed me as it was all the handwork of Prince planned moment to entice me and make my evening a wash moment.
Smiling at this wonderful moment, I was amazed that Prince could cook that well so he dragged me inside his sitting room then carried me to his bed room, infact his bedroom was like that of the kings so well decorated not with flowers this time but very maturedly with few flower vase placed at every edge of the room then he said, ” Angel, please can I you put on the night gown” and I answered, “Oh Prince! It’s just afternoon not yet night, don’t worry, we have the dinner trust me and I know how to treat and thrill my man” so he smiled and said, “you re right my lady, I don’t want to be in a rush but my body is telling me no!
So I rushed downstairs to put on the television as everything in his house is moulded to work with remote so I have to make myself comfortable to watch the very romantic movie while Prince went to pop some corn filled in a bowl then served a pack of juice and a bottle of expensive whiskey. He sat down very close to me as we watch the movie together while he set the table with a candle light for the dinner and that was amazing.
Prince grabbed me as we pop the champagne with a kiss, he proposed for marriage and that was shocking to me so I allowed us enjoy the moment, kissing and caressing, he unzipped my dress, while holding my body to himself I could feel the warmth of his body even his fast breathe makes the feeling go wild as he dip his fingers right inside my dress holding on to my boobs while kissing all over my body, his touch made me moan as he was already feeling the moment so much until his door bell rang and that was his neighbour so he had to answer while I watch the movie as I enjoyed champagne.