TLC I….Rated 18+

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….extremely interesting, pure romance


Saturday has always been a resting day for me as I always long to see Friday come. As an independent woman, pleasant and ready to strike the next deal to put a smile with some cash in my pocket. I do look forward to opportunities that shines my talent in every day activities, am not really a sports lover but derive joy in playing golf, and you know golf is not for all calibre of people but those classy ladies and gentlemen with some kinda high personality who appreciate nature in all ramifications.



You can’t be that naive to ask me reason for such decision on my kinda sports because I am Brenda, though friends call me cutie as they all see these kinda beauty that radiates so clearly in me. Being a pretty lady with that good physic and qualities; the height, beautiful legs, intelligence, very curvy indeed with my chocolate fair complexion, you will definitely need my company as I cherish men of class not just ordinary ones and I can assure you that my appearance will make you think twice whenever you encounter an angel of beauty and intelligence like me so don’t ask me why I am in the habit of playing such game as it’s in my character to appreciate nature in its fullness of beauty.


With my style of living, you will actually feel my swag. I am just trying to round up some of my house chores as it’s already Saturday, the morning is still very young and finding myself in a small town where everybody knows each other except for the new convert like me. I just have to take life easy here to ensure I live a calm and interesting life as well, selfless and selfmade as attitude classifies your personality among the crowd and I think I deserve better life ahead, maintaining my dignity, class and fitness at all times is very key to me and many cherish me for that.


So smartly I had to occupy my time with lots of indoor activities like reading, singing, writting and dancing but when it gets tough and boring I hook to my videos to keep body and soul together, to ensure a healthy living at least mentally and physically, most times when am free I often go to a coffee house near my place of aboard, down town to cool off after a hard days work.


But you know what, the scent of a real woman does not die instead attracts just like the bees are attracted to honey. Valentine’s Day is around the corner but the real groove is in you, getting myself preoccupied with some interesting activities would go a long way but not withstanding they said, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” therefore I am gonna go all the way down town with my exotic car, with the music playing very softly till I get to the coffee house but before then I want to go play golf with the boss in town whose attitude defines their class, displaying the real definition of wealthy men!


Getting to my car I just forgot to pick up some snacks so I had to go back inside my house to grab some cookies n bottles of red wine and juice from my fridge while rushing back to the car, I had a car horn blowing from a distance but right close in front of my house and that was a neighbour screaming on top of his voice to me, hey Pretty! You going to the golf club tonight and I was astonished as I didn’t even know him but thinking I do see him jogging most times in front of my house.


So I shouted back, “Yes! But later” and he said I thought it will be nice to pick you up, if you don’t mind joining me but being my kinda lady, I couldn’t join him instead I said, “Thanks Buddy, I will catch up with you there!” So he zoomed off while I hopped into my car then drove pass him with speed as I am hurrying to pick up some ice cream and meaty snacks to ensure I had all my kinda munchy stuffs because I love to snack especially when am all alone and I love them crunchy or even dry.


On arrival to the coffee shop, I just saw this gentleman sitting right at one corner glancing at me as I arrived. And as its a weekend, every corner is decorated with colourful flowers and ribbons even the wall also have some touch of red infact the environment was very interesting and filled with fantasy as the waiters actually served every table with a free gift so I just picked a table a bit far from his table.


With my snacks, I bet you! Am very occupied, no time for anyone seeking attention. Also ordering a cup of coffee latte which was served made my table complete and I continued to enjoy my snacks with the slow music playing on the background, life could not have been much better than this as the atmosphere was really filled with peace and love, that I enjoyed so much before the gentleman decided to approach to my table saying, “Pretty, can I join you as I feel so alone out there at my table, I promise not to be naughty”.


So I smiled saying “no problem so long as you cross your heart to be a gentleman”. We continued discussing some activities happening in town and talking also about ourselves though I feel so at ease to jist with him as he is acting like a real gentleman, ofcourse looks can be deceitful but let’s not spoil the moment until he is proved guilty.


Introducing himself made me feel at ease as he was actually someone in town who I had a lot of respect for so we might became better friends as the trust builds so he brought out a package from his pocket and said its my gift to you, been watching you from a distance but today I decided to be your friend not for any wrong reason but for the best, please accept me as your friend today.


So I was astonished as he grabbed my hand then open the gift which I saw had a beautiful wrist watch and a gold necklace, it wasn’t bad at all as it sparkles as he put it on my wrist, holding my fingers as if he won’t let go after a while he ask again if he can wear me the necklace so I reluctantly allowed him so he stood up then dragged me up while standing at my back while hugging me tightly then put on the necklace and whispered, “your body is so warm and soft, which planet are you descending from my Angel”.


…to be continued.


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