The Royal Tour I….Rated 18+

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….extremely interesting, pure romance, & enticing

Listening to the chirping of birds, the barking of dogs very early morning with the sky so blue and the breeze blowing with whistling pines singing with this kinda cold running down the skin though with feeling of freshness, I could sense that it is going to be a beautiful day, romantic indeed, I bet!


Watching all the beautiful flowers in this surroundings glowing with colours I could imagine how lovely it will be  having someone with a heart of gold playfully walking side by side with me on a beach side.


My name is Sara not the dull type though simple, very pleasant and romantic but a little bit arrogant. I don’t like it when men feels like they are in charge but rough it out to prove my presence with my dignity intact.

Even though I love strong men with ego, but having their senses right when it comes to treating a lady right, with their heart filled with love and romance I can flex the real nature in them alive as we cruise all the way.

Meeting Jack and Phil, both of different class, rank and attitude and here comes Jenny who loves to play the game flaunting all around them, trying to prove a point that, she is avaliable for the real game but I don’t really care neither do I want to bore you but let’s get the party to a start.

Tonight is the main tour, as we decide to roll all through the coast of the island as arranged by the firm where we all work. It will interest you that Jenny has gone as far as coming to hint to me that her interest is in Jack whom I feel might not be playfully avaliable so he might not be in for Jenny’s game as Phil is completely out of such lifestyle.

I just pity Jenny as her plan is going to flop so badly this time as both men are not in for her kinda game but may have their eyes on something elsewhere.

Tonight! the tour begins, all about the quest for a diamond object which is very important in the business of the Organization and it is a sort of relaxation game organised for the staffs though a huge price is attached to it with a promotion tag for anyone who grabs the diamond.

So all staffs are tough for the game for promotion and the price while Jenny has swore to be a distraction to all so she vows to spread her net for who cares as she is not interested in the quest but in the men for the quest so it’s going to be tough but tempting as well and we might not really know how prepared are the men but all I know is that I, Sara is going for the price and with the promotion I will become the desire of all, just call me “Beauty with Brain”.

The tour has just began with each  3 men accompanied with a female in a car, driving as far as much kilometers with some foods, drinks in the car for a treat so no need of stopping over on the way except for fuel or to use the rest room.

<span;>Trust me! I will not bother my partner for anything as I am good in such tough game. Do u know my partner is Phil with his tough nature, arrogant with pride but stylish in nature, I can imagine how dull the moment will become as he is the strict type, meaning we will be keeping to ourselves.

So we ready to move, Phil just grabbed the key and jump into the car saying, “lady hop in! I am your pilot, behave yourself”. And I was wondering reason for such word which baffles me but I just keep my cool as he drives all the way, no talking to each other while Jack and Jenny was cruising on the road passing us with the music so loud as they speedily passed us.

I could imagine how many bottles of drink they have consumed as they jolly on the trip but I pity them as by the time they get to the hotel, both will be worn out with tiredness, though that might make me mean but I wish them that portion. Even at that we are very quiet in this car, Phil feeling on top of his driving without blinking an eye on me so I could imagine he has no interest in me as he is not even the lady type, strictly the business type.

Until we get to a filling station, he got down saying, “lady get down, stretch your legs now” so I stubbornly stood in the car, Phil just came and drag my hands saying, “common!  your legs will ache” so as I came down with my short gown, he starred at me up to down with that lustful look in his eyes he shoke his head then left to pay for the fuel.

After which we continued the journey, yet he didn’t say a word as we drove all night to the hotel….

…to be continued.

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