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The Curse On Our Votes

By Festus Adedayo Bishop Samuel Alawode of the Maranatha Worldwide Church caused a stir on the social and political scenes last week. In a sermon reminiscent of the vitriolic preaching of Jamaican poet, activist and reggae…

2023: Let us pray for Nigeria!

By abiodun KOMOLAFE This is the Year 2023! As the New Year comes, it is custom for people to look towards new things. Unarguably, improvement over the present has always been the desire of human beings. The same goes with…

What Is New About New Year 2023

By Festus Adedayo So that mythical Nigerian year, 2023, is here at last? For Nigerians, 2023 is not just a year of newness as all years represent for mankind. It is a year with gross implications; political, economic and…