Epic! The handicraft of a philosopher-king. One, I dare say not many of our political leaders have the facility of language and clarity of thought to seamlessly transmit such profound thoughts from mind to print, personally.
Professor Soludo, with this, you just reaffirmed the value/virtue I saw in you back in 2004 (first as Economic Adviser to OBJ, before being appointed CBN governor that transformed Nigeria’s financial landscape forever) and has glued us together ever since, not just as friends but brothers.

All through your political tribulations from 2010 – 2021, never did I see or hear you ever barter your nobility nor mortgage your high principle — whether in the face of tempting offer or tantalising assurance of instant political profits.
Truly, you are a man of steely character, profound knowledge and Solomonic wisdom, completely detribalised.
With this, you just rekindled my conviction that, ultimately, the sacred duty of intellectuals to community and country is to rise above ethno-religious loyalties and tell the truth, always.
Quintessential Soludo, the Solution! Good
By Louis Odion, FNGE