Position Paper: Response to the Flooding Situation in Borno State, Nigeria

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Maden Healthcare Foundation (MHF)




The recent flooding in Borno State, Nigeria, has left a trail of destruction, displacing thousands, causing severe damage to infrastructure and exacerbating existing health challenges. As an organization focused on improving public health, Maden Healthcare Foundation is deeply concerned about the impact this disaster has on vulnerable populations, especially in our areas of focus: menstrual hygiene, school health, and medical missions.


Key Areas of Concern


1. Menstrual Hygiene:

Flooding significantly disrupts access to basic hygiene resources, especially for women and girls. Lack of access to clean water, proper sanitation facilities, and menstrual hygiene products in overcrowded camps poses a serious risk of infection and undermines the dignity of displaced women and girls. The situation highlights the urgent need to prioritize menstrual hygiene management in disaster response efforts.


2. School Health:

With schools serving as shelters for displaced persons, the disruption of educational activities and the health of school-aged children is a growing concern. Crowded environments increase the risk of infectious disease outbreaks, including cholera, malaria, and other water-borne diseases. Without access to clean water, sanitation, and healthcare services, the health and well-being of students are in jeopardy. The flooding worsens pre-existing vulnerabilities among children, impacting their physical and mental health, as well as their education.


3. Medical Missions:

The flooding further strains an already overstretched healthcare system in Borno State. Health facilities are either inaccessible or damaged, while displaced populations are in urgent need of medical care. Our medical missions, which provide essential healthcare services in underserved communities, are more critical than ever to support flood victims. Immediate interventions, such as mobile health clinics, the provision of essential medications, and disease prevention programs, are crucial in mitigating the impact of the disaster.


Call to Action

Maden Healthcare Foundation calls on government agencies, international organizations, and local stakeholders to:

– Prioritize the provision of menstrual hygiene products and ensure safe and private sanitation facilities for women and girls in camps.

– Implement immediate health interventions in schools, including water purification, vaccination programs, and hygiene education to protect school-aged children from the outbreak of diseases.

– Support the deployment of medical missions to flood-affected areas to provide immediate and accessible healthcare services.



The flooding in Borno State is a humanitarian crisis that demands a coordinated, comprehensive response. Maden Healthcare Foundation is committed to working alongside partners to address the health needs of vulnerable populations. We stand ready to support efforts to restore dignity, health, and hope to the affected communities, particularly women, children, and those in need of urgent medical care.



Dr Eseoghene Agbatutu

Executive Director, Maden Healthcare Foundation


Email: madenhealthcarefoundation@gmail.com

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