Passionate Request II…Rated 18+

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…very intriguing & erotic

…continued…We sat down staring at each other as the conference kick-starts and he ask me if am ready for the auction sales as he will wish to borrow me for luck to bid for the products he wish to give to charity so I nodded and whispered, “its okay”.


Then he moved closer and kissed me on my cheek and we await the bidding, he kept holding my fingers, caressing my palms like he was searching for some kinda sensation and it tickles I must confess, making me look at his eyes the second time with this lust in his eyes you could sense he must be a very good rocker but an easy, nice and slow one indeed.

Infact placing his fingers on my thighs reveals how romantic he could be even as he caresses gently as we talk just to draw my attention to himself and I could feel every moment as his eyes became so charming, the expression on his face declares he wanted it all and he kissed my fingers while caressing gently my thighs as we bid for the auctioned Items and he bought a lot of them so he decided I keep my car in a safe custody in the venue with good security checks ongoing so nobody have to worry for lose of anything at all.

He ushered me right inside his own car, very expensive and classy better than my car, I must confess, your thinking will change if you are in my position as I was just imagining how beautiful the world could be If all man cruises this kinda car, ofcourse without you been very wealth, a billionaire to the core, you can’t smell such car as its meant for bigger boys.

Infact, the car introduces his personality in a better and smarter way, Prince is just a perfect gentleman, his charisma speaks loud even as he is not the proud type. I just like his company but not such on your mind right now. Prince went straight into the supermarket then picked up some edibles and some wine to wash it down then we zoomed off to the places he wished to share the stuffs so I just landed him a helping hand in sharing the items and merry with them


But never knew he had some plans arranged already for some fun time, he calls it blast as we stepped into the venue, which has been organised and beautified with colourful flowers so he grab my hands while we move to inside to grab a seat while other attendees keep playing and singing shouting his name so I asked if this was organised for a reason or just an outing venue.

So he smiled and just ehisperrd, “let’s enjoy this moment as all that matters to him now is us nothing more so we sat down to just and talk about the tomorrow event. Prince is that such man that will rather spend time with his heart throb then just bunch of friends hovering around with loud noise, drinking and chanting.

He trying to remind me that the day was just a perfect moment to find that love he longs for, sweet and ever thrilling one so he said, “I need something from you but time will tell”, he hugged me very closely as we stroll out of the venue headed straight into his car as he grabbed me with this sweet kiss all over he moans holding me closely to himself with his body so warm and his j… be continued next weekend TGIS

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…we gat your weekend grooving!


Written by Xexzy Amanda

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