Information gathered recently has revealed that the increased demand for seamless digital payments in Nigeria during the naira scarcity created by the CBN /Federal government policy was actually a limelight opportunity for the spotlight on OPay as a very fast cashless payment platform.
The recent financial crisis which brought a demand for a reliable and fast payment partner made the better positioning of OPay as the go-to for the delivery of services and experiences with faster and better customer satisfaction.

However, in need of Nigeria’s biggest payment platform, OPaycant be left behind as it embodies a customer-centric business model that is guided by key principles which include closing the financial gap in Nigeria, creating jobs, a culture around the customer and their needs, and connecting with customers to create personalized, premium experiences.
Having over 30 million registered app users, 500,000 agents and 100,000 merchants who use OPay daily to make transactions, OPay continues to provide intelligent value propositions that solve the unmet needs of Nigerians in terms of making financial services and processes easier with technology.
This long-standing commitment to operational excellence has helped it to stay ahead of the curve and increased its demand for products that provide ease of access, user satisfaction, and seamless transaction processes.
Small and medium-sized business owners had the most to say.
In an interview with MARKETING EDGE, Mercie-Yen Kitchen explains how she survived the recent cash crunch.
“Imagine getting orders and not being able to pay for the groceries you will need to prepare them?” she posed in her comment while decrying the cash agony.
“I was overjoyed when I got to the market and each time I said ‘I don’t have cash’, they promptly told me they accept transfers, and from pepper sellers to meat sellers and even delivery guys, they all use OPay and instantly they receive alerts,” she said. According to the business owner, receiving payments and making payments to third parties have been easier since she started using OPay.
Deborah Olaiya, a digital marketer, also had a challenge with payment for online subscriptions such as Spotify and Netflix until she got introduced to OPay by her close friend. She now uses the OPay virtual debit card for her online subscriptions. Deborah also mentioned that she can run her Facebook adverts easily now, and her payments have been made easy thanks to online payment platforms like OPay.