…insist Gbagi remains the Best and most Qualified among all candidates and will deliver his promises.
Ordinarily, one shouldn’t bother one’s self in a matter that is clearly infantile and mischievous as this. It is obvious that this is a case of envy and jealousy.

Be that as it may, in order to keep records straight, I’m obligated to respond to the acerbic insults and childish criticisms being heaped on the person of Chief Kenneth Gbagi; the governorship candidate of the Social Democratic Party for the 2023 gubernatorial election for the lame and frivolous reason that he is going to close to the church of God; that is the body of Christ.
l write this defence because it is preposterous to believe that people can sit and begin to torment, insult and criticize a man for no cogent reason but just because he is identifying with God, through the church.
While church attendance may not be the foolproof for true spirituality nor identification with the church, a sign of good Christianity; it shouldn’t also become an issue of discussion, let alone condemnation.
My position and opinion on this matter is that it is better for a man to be seen to move closer to God than to be seen to be far away from the Almighty. Mr. Kenneth Gbagi has shown a good example in this regard and must be defended by every Christian and believer in God.
Why should a man be condemned simply because he is identifying with his faith?! Why should haters of God try to make everyone else to believe that politics should be played without God’s input? Why should anyone for that matter make us begin to think that government can function well without the church?!
These biting questions are pointers to the fact that we are in a very serious trouble in Delta State. In other climbs, politicians are commended for playing politics with the influence of their faith and with the dictates of their spiritual convictions. But what have here is a complete contradiction.
What is more shocking is that the same people condemning Chief Kenneth Gbagi will pretend to be Christians and lovers of God only ehen it suits their fancies and proclivities. Is such attitude not hypocrisy of the highest calibre? Are such people shouldn’t be rejected for their open disdain and disrespect for God and the church of Christ?!
My contention is that no right-thinking Christian and knowledgeable child of God will accept, support or vote for any other candidate other than the one that has publicly shown love and respect for God and the church of God. To do otherwise will amount to spiting God and rejecting His rulership over us, first as humans and also as Christians.
I, therefore, use this medium to call on all Christian voter in Delta State to vote in defence of our faith and calling by supporting a man that has identified with us and with God. That man is Chief Barrister Kenneth Gbagi.
Remain blessed and support true leadership!
Support Gbagi for Governor!
Vote SDP for Progress!
We Moove!