Etsako East: Ekpe/Danga Ticket Is Irrevocable, Ordained By Stakeholders

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Ekpe/Danga ticket is irrevocable that is ordained by critical stakeholders of APC in Etsako East and beyond.


Ekpe/Danga ticket will bring smiles to the inhabitants of Etsako East who are yearning for good governance.



Ekpe/Danga ticket will right the wrongs of maladministration experienced so far by the past regimes in the Local council.


Ekpe/Danga ticket is a divine project that will bring the needed dividend of democracy that will improve the living standard of the people of Etsako East.


Ekpe/Danga ticket will create enabling environment for businesses to thrive in the LGA, hence, give the citizens sense of belongings.


Ekpe/Danga ticket will partner with the LGA workers to harness the available natural resources in the LGA


Ekpe/Danga ticket will invest in sports development that will help to reduce youths involvement in crimes.


Ekpe/Danga ticket will put the interests of the masses first; before their personal interests.


Ekpe/Danga ticket will build bridges across various groups in the LGA.


Ekpe/Danga ticket will use the managerial principle of carrot and stick to administer the subjects to maximise output.


Ekpe/Danga Media Team.

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