“Critical Notice To The Executive Governor Of Delta State Rt. Hon. Elder Sheriff .F.O. Oborevwori.

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By Comrade Victor Ojei (Wong Box). Feel free to Whatsapp or text us via 08038785262


Your Excellency, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori, Governor of Delta State, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to you on your victory at the polls and subsequent inauguration as the governor of Delta State. However, as a concerned citizen with genuine aspirations for the state, I feel compelled to deliver this urgent message, not to merely shower you with praises, but to highlight critical issues that require your attention and proactive action.



Firstly, it is important to emphasize the need to avoid surrounding yourself with praise singers and sycophants whose primary goal is to enrich themselves at the expense of the state and its people. It is crucial to carefully consider the individuals you appoint into your government, as some may be recommended to you as conduits for siphoning the state treasury for personal gain. We have witnessed cases in the past where those who sought attention and benefits abandoned the incumbent governor when the tides turned. Therefore, it is essential to exercise caution and discernment in your appointments.


One area that demands utmost vigilance is the awarding of contracts. Scrutinizing contracts with eagle-eyed surveillance is crucial to prevent payments for jobs that are not delivered or poorly executed. To achieve this, it is imperative to engage reliable assets from civil society organizations as watchdogs. However, it is important to note that some criminals have infiltrated the civil society community in Delta State, masquerading as activists. Their criminal records are accessible to the public, and we stand ready to assist you in identifying and exposing these individuals.


Additionally, I would like to draw your attention to the issue of youth unemployment. While your predecessor made efforts to address this through skill acquisition programs, there is still much work to be done. I suggest focusing on an agricultural revolution, drawing inspiration from successful models such as China’s agricultural reforms under Chairman Mao and Chairman Deng from the late 1940s to the 1970s. Channeling the energy of the youth into productive agricultural activities can not only combat unemployment but also contribute to food security and generate revenue for the state.


One approach could involve establishing farm settlements for diverse agricultural produce, such as maize, cereals, plantains, cassava, yam, palm oil, sugar cane, and tomatoes. By engaging the youth in these farm settlements, you can ensure that political appointments are given to individuals who will contribute productively to the state’s development. It is counterproductive to appoint individuals as aides who rarely offer advice or engage with you while drawing salaries from the state treasury.


As you embark on your tenure as the Governor of Delta State, I urge you to consider the long-term impact of your actions and decisions. Strive to lead the state away from unwholesome political idiosyncrasies, indolence, hedonism, and the pursuit of hollow personalities seeking societal recognition. Let it be that, at the end of your term, posterity will remember you as a leader who brought about a paradigm shift and steered the people of Delta State towards a path of progress, prosperity, and genuine development.


Your Excellency, the challenges ahead are significant, but with determination, transparency, and the support of the people, you can make a lasting impact. The state awaits your transformative leadership, and I hope that this urgent message serves as a call to action for the betterment of Delta State and its people.


For further inquiries or to discuss this message, please contact Comrade Victor Ojei (Wong Box) via call or WhatsApp at 08038785262.

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