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Nigeria’s Naira Crude Revolution

By abiodun KOMOLAFE Assuming no unforeseen circumstances, Dangote Refinery is expected to make its first delivery of refined premium motor spirit, pms, to the Nigerian market by September 2024. The Federal Government has also…

Nigeria as Shock-Horror Skits…

By Festus Adedayo Skits literally crack ribs with laughter. The line separating fact from fiction or faction (fact and fiction) in skits is paper-thin. An instance was a skit cobbled together in Addis Ababa on January 11, 1976…

Nigeria’s Forgotten Poor!

By abiodun KOMOLAFE “I have heard you loud and clear. I understand the pain and frustration that drive these protests, and I want to assure you that our government is committed to listening and addressing the concerns of our…