Buhari Backs Formation Of African Anti-Terrorism Force

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President Muhammadu Bu­hari Saturday in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, endorsed recommendation on setting up an African Standby Force on Terrorism

He called on leaders to mus­ter the political will that will fuel synergy, enhance intelligence gathering and bring more ur­gency in tackling violent crimes.


He gave his endorsement at the 16th African Union Ex­tra-ordinary Session of the Assembly of African Union on Terrorism and Violent Extrem­ism in Africa, saying resources meant for development of coun­tries had been channelled into fighting violent crimes, leaving many governments with less options on investing in people to meet the targets of Sustainable Development Goals.

Following presentation of a report on Terrorism and Vi­olent Extremism in Africa at the meeting, President Buhari highlighted four items on the recommendation for immedi­ate action.

“In the West African region, we are working very hard through the instrumentality of ECOWAS to combat terror­ism. The Multi National Joint Task Force in the Lake Chad region and the G5 in the Sahel have continued to degrade the insurgents by substantially re­ducing their capacity to inflict harm on our citizens.

“Mr. Chairman, these efforts however, need to be strength­ened and complemented by the African Union, through the Af­rican Union Peace and Security Architecture.

“It is for this reason, Mr. Chairperson, that we endorse the key recommendations con­tained in your report. Some of the recommendations which we believe should be imple­mented immediately include;

“Increasing troop levels in situations of combating ter­rorism, and enhancing intelli­gence capabilities of deployed troops, including improving the operational cooperation of con­tingents in the operation areas.”

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