Borno: Provide List Of IDPs – EFCC Orders NGOs

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The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission has charged all non-governmental organisations operating in Borno State to furnish the commission with the list of beneficiaries of the funds provided for internally displaced persons by both local and international donor.

EFCC officials made this known during an interactive session with the Nigeria INGO Forum in Maiduguri, the Borno State capital.


In a press statement signed by head of media and publicity of the commission, Wilson Uwajaren on Wednesday, the commission said the purpose for demanding the list of beneficiaries is in government’s effort to stem money laundering and end corruption in the country.

‘‘The lists required from the INGOs and NGOs will enable the EFCC through the SCUML, identify and verify the actual beneficiaries of the palliatives and cash provided by donors so that the funds will not get into the hands of wrong persons during disbursement.

‘‘Our engagement with the INGOs is to ensure and enforce compliance with the regulations and laws against money laundering and to combat financiers of terrorism activities and this can only be achievable through proper identification of the beneficiaries of the Aids flows provided by the INGOs,” the statement read.

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