Gov Otu’s Spokesperson, Hon. Bill Francis Felicitates With Sen Asuquo Ekpeyong

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Some says that leaders are born and not made. While some believe that all men are born equal, hence leaders are made and not born. In whichever school of thought you aligne with; it won’t substantiate the fact that some people are exceptionally gifted in matters of leadership from birth. The aura of leadership hovering over there life’s makes them stand out among there peers, there by making them the best and most preferred candidate whenever a leadership situation arises.


The personality of Sen Asuquo Ekpeyong is one of a leader per excellent. He has proven beyond reasonable doubt that his capacity to deliver is divine and authentic. His antecedents and strides in CRS political space echos all over his constituency and beyond. He is a man of the people, hence he keeps getting the support of the populace at every given opportunity and time.



Today I celebrate an icon of selfless and dynamic leadership. A man who understands what grassroot politics is all about. He is not a politician who is far from his people. He loves his people, lives with them and relates with them at every given opportunity. He understands the plight and the struggles of the people he represents at the 10th House of Assembly; hence he presents the case of his people for collective bargain to enable the state chamber make laws that will protect the interest of his constituency and CRS as a whole.


I want to celebrate him on this special day been his birthday. If Calabar South had gotten a representative like him in the past, the issues of bad roads would have been in the past. He has shown us what true representation is all about; and for that, we are proud of him.


With People like Sen Asuquo Ekpeyong* in the red chamber, Cross River State is on the path to recovering it’s lost glory. I celebrate him today and wish him more insight and wisdom to continue to inspire the youths in his political career.


Happy Birthday to Sen Asuquo Ekpeyong



Hon Sen Pst Bill Francis Bill,

Spokesperson to Sen Prince Bassey Otu

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