“Importance Of Regular Visits To One’s Village: Embracing Opportunities And Changing Mindsets.”

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Written By Comrade Victor Ojei (popularly called Wong Box (08038785262) feel free to chat or text us. This article was inspired by Anizor Austin +234 806 043 2137)


Note: if you have interest in EXPORTATION of cash or food crops, kindly contact us for a training and materials needs to kick start.



In today’s globalized world, where people are increasingly migrating from their ancestral villages to urban centers or abroad, it is crucial to emphasize the significance of regularly visiting one’s village or community. This applies not only to the diaspora but also to indigenous people across Delta State and Nigeria as a whole. By reconnecting with our roots and investing in the development of our rural areas, we can unlock a plethora of opportunities that benefit both individuals and communities.


One of the primary reasons for visiting our villages is the chance to engage in lucrative ventures that are uniquely advantageous to rural areas. Agriculture, for example, presents immense potential for economic growth. By farming cash and food crops, individuals can not only secure their own sustenance but also tap into the ever-growing demand for agricultural produce. Moreover, the exportation of cash and food crops is an avenue that diaspora communities can explore to generate substantial income. Notably, the Nigerian government, through the Central Bank of Nigeria, offers attractive incentives to exporters, paying them N65 naira for every dollar earned through commodity exports. However, these benefits remain largely untapped, with foreign investors, particularly those from China and other Asian countries, capitalizing on the arable nature of Nigerian lands.


It is disheartening to witness some individuals express reluctance to return to their villages due to unfounded fears. Concerns about witchcraft or voodoo often deter people from visiting their ancestral homes, perpetuating misconceptions and hindering progress. It is crucial to debunk such myths and disempower the narratives that breed fear. By educating ourselves and fostering a deeper understanding of our communities, we can eradicate these misguided notions and embrace the opportunities that lie within our villages.


Additionally, the misconception that success can only be found in urban areas or abroad needs to be addressed. Many individuals are engrossed in battling perceived spiritual obstacles while disregarding the potential for success in their very own villages. Rather than expending energy on casting and binding rituals, it is essential to recognize that the skills, gifts, and talents bestowed upon us can be harnessed in the rural areas we call home. By shifting our mindset and focusing on the possibilities, we can unlock our true potential and contribute to the growth and development of our communities.


Support and unity within our communities are crucial factors in effecting positive change. By embracing a mindset of love, collaboration, and mutual support, we can collectively change the narrative surrounding our villages and ourselves. Believing in our capabilities and fostering a spirit of camaraderie paves the way for success. With determination, hard work, and a sense of community, anything is possible.


In conclusion, the need for regular visits to our villages cannot be overstated. By reconnecting with our roots, we can seize the unique opportunities that rural areas offer, particularly in the realm of agriculture and exportation. It is imperative to dispel the misconceptions and fears that discourage us from embracing our ancestral homes. By shifting our mindset and acknowledging the untapped potential within our communities, we can harness our skills and talents for personal and communal development. Let us come together, support one another, and believe in ourselves, for it is through this collective effort that we can achieve success and make a lasting impact.

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