SA Media/Publicity To Hon. Chinedu Ogah, Charles Iteshi Appreciates Members For Strong Supports

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Charles Iteshi, on behalf of Ikukuoma Media Team, has sent a thank you message to all friends, followers, colleagues, and family for the massive support and encouragement during this period of championing the course of Rt. Hon. (Comrade) Chinedu Ogah, OON Member representing Ikwo Ezza-South Federal Constituency at the National Assembly, becoming the deputy speaker of the 10th Assembly. I thank also, the print media, journalists, editors and others for their unflinching love and concern.


The position of the deputy speaker had National interest to balance power in Abia State and South East, above all, the decision of the party, hence, we couldn’t sail through. Politics is all about interest and should never be matched with emotions and temperaments. As law-abiding citizens of Nigeria, at all times we accept the decision of the party through which we were duly elected. Suffice it to say that the party is supreme, so the power may be superseded.



We didn’t fail rather we have made our voices known and Heaven knows that we are for the common interest of many, therefore it is better to try than not try at all.


To our critics, both in the public and those who murmured it at their back, we are very happy for your contribution, for through it we have learned how to remain strong and hopeful in all situations. What is happening is a means towards a good end. What is ahead of us is far better than what is behind us. Inshallah!


We congratulate our boss, brother, friend, and Representative, Hon. Ogah for his smartness and doggedness. For record purposes, he is the first National Assembly member from Ebonyi State to contest for a position on the floor of the house and we commend him for the show of such charisma.


Chinedu Ogah is a second-timer in the National Assembly and his voice has been heard throughout Nigeria. We are only praying for life and the grace to keep extending charity to our people and also bringing them unexpected dividends of democracy.


Dear people, I want to let you know that you are the person who we always know will be there for us when something happens — either good or bad. Thank you for being that person in our lives. The secret of life is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.


Once again, thank you and May God bless you all.



Charles Iteshi

SA on Media /Publicity to the member representing Ikwo/ Ezza-South federal constituency.

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