Stop Seeking Free Rides; You Can End Badly, NYSC Boss Warns Corps Members

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The director-general, National Youth Service Corps, Brig.-Gen. Mohammed Fadah, has advised corps members against seeking free rides by the roadside.

He reminded corps members that their safety was their responsibility.


Mr Fadah advised them to always go to the appropriate motor parks to board vehicles for their journeys, saying, “this is because you may end up in a bad place while searching for a free ride”.

He added, “Please avoid night journeys and if you happen to be on transit, once it’s 6 p.m, break that journey and go to the nearest NYSC lodge, police station or police facilities and stay there till the next day.”

The director-general also urged corps members participating in the 2023 general elections to play according to the rules of the elections.

He made the call in Bauchi on Sunday during his camp inspection tour to the state’s NYSC Permanent Orientation Camp, Wailo in Ganjuwa Local Government Area of the state.

According to him, corps members are expected to be neutral and remain non-partisan in any political activity.

“You may have sympathy or interest in a political party, for this one year that you are serving, please, just keep it to yourselves.

“After your service, you are entitled to any political party that you think is worthy for you to be a member. Please, don’t involve yourselves in anything political,” the DG said.

Earlier, the state coordinator of NYSC, Namadi Abubakar, said 1,511 corps members had been registered in the camp for the 2022 Batch B stream II NYSC service.

He said out of the number, 766 were males while 745 were females, adding that they had been conducting themselves maturely and participating in all the camp activities.


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