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By Christian ABURIME

Charles Dickens, the celebrated British writer and novelist wrote a novel in 1860 he titled: “Great Expectations”


For those who attended Public Secondary Schools in the 80s in Nigeria, Great Expectations was one of the recommended literature books. As a literature student I was fascinated by the book. My late literature teacher even made it more fascinating for me.

English Literature became one of my favourite subjects then. So it was not surprising when I wrote my WAEC exams I made a good grade in the subject

Despite any literary controversy over Dicken’s style of writing, most critics agreed that Great Expectations was his best book.

Written in 1860 during the Victorian era, the setting of the story was in the early part of the 1800s. This era mirrored the shortcomings in the society vis a vis the affluence of the aristocratic few

The entire story is centred on a young man named Pip.
And the major conflict of Great Expectations revolve around Pip’s ambitious desire to reinvent himself and rise to a higher social class

Dicken’s classic novel ‘Great Expectations’ could therefore be used as a metaphor for the Great Expectations people expect from the in-coming Soludo’s government

The people must re-invent themselves and break away from the old order. Nothing happens by happenstance. It is by planning, faithful execution of the plan while the people play their obligatory role by giving their ultimate support and Cooperation.

A lot have been said and written about the changes the Soludo government will engender. Some have dubbed it as the ‘disruptive change’ that will revolutionize Anambra State and beyond. Others say it is the dawn of the 4th Industrial revolution beginning from Anambra State

Whatever prism it is viewed from, these changes, the people believe will radically re-mould the way we think, act or behave. It will redefine our perceptions and how we appreciate things.

This is because the disruptive changes will ultimately be anchored on the willingness of the people to accept and embrace change.

This is the only way these changes can produce results and be effectively meaningful without frustrating the genuine efforts of Soludo, the change agent

For the Great Expectations to have expression in reality and be utterly meaningful, the people must buy into it and support it holistically and wholeheartedly

For the government to build good roads, functional hospitals, qualitative schools and other social infrastructure, the people must be fully ready to support it and contribute their quota

The envisioned Smart Megacity and the liveable and prosperous homeland we all yearn for, must be fully supported by the people. This include those in the Diaspora and within the country. This support could come with the people making available their talents, resources, time and energy. (A window of opportunity has already been provided for all via the talent hunt databank call for expression of interest)

The people’s support and unalloyed cooperation is the most credible ingredient and only meaningful way to break away from the old order in realising the Great Expectations!

So let’s roll up our sleeves as we go to work with Cee Cee Soludo come March 17, 2022

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