Cherryl Media Mourns Olorogun Barr. Kenneth Gbagi @ 62

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When the news of the passing unto glory of Barr Ken Gbagi came to us at Cherryl Media, it was like April fool, unbelievable but calls and messages kept coming until we painfully confirmed.


Barr. Kenneth Gbagi, a deserved Governor Delta State never had.We came in contact with Gbagi through his relation, Zik Gbemre in the year 2022 in the course of our job, Gbagi found us relevant and useful. Gradually the business relationship metamorphosed into engagement in being part of his media team in his political ambition .



We shuttle between Lagos and Oginibo his village. From there we moved to all nooks and crannies of Delta state, I could remember traveling with him and our media to the creek to visit Tompolo and other prominent traditional rulers.


We took pictures and he will sell his programs and why he wants to govern delta state. Gbagi was a great industrialist and a super politician. He used his God given talents and wealth to transform his community, the only Minister that was not found wanting by the Economic Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) because he has character and blemishless.


He won many awards both local and international. His love for his people and community need not be over emphasized, no wonder Gbagi is always at home every fortnight attending to issues at home and community.


We at Cherryl Media is asking the Angels of God to receive him in paradise while our condolences goes to his wife, and family he left behind asking God to give them the fortitude to bear the huge loss.


Notably, Gbagi was a fearless lion, his name commands respect from all good people and fear to the wicked or evil people, many will not forget him in a hurry but always be remembered.


…go well my able boss, ur legacies lingers.


May your Gentle soul Rest In Peace 🙏🏿 


Forever in our heart 😭


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